Concept Development

Finding your validated value proposition and service design is what concept development is all about. You have to understand the jobs to be done by prospective customers, and you need to validate them. Conceptualising around a business model, discovering potential value streams end-to-end, and iteratively validating these. Doing this, the Lean Start-up way, using Design Thinking and Business Model Generation has proven to be a successful way forward. To help you move the needle, we have a proven way of need-finding in customer validation and fast-track development forward.



Ambient Society can help you with concept development and methods of fast-track validation of concepts. We start with a conversation and usually offer some of the specific activities below. Our offer is from specific individual expert facilitators to complete experienced teams. We want to create trust through our optional scope principles of starting small, earning your confidence in us as experts by just doing it together.
  • Concept Development – with working prototypes, and assignments of full-path facilitation from idea to a proven concept.
  • Exploration – facilitation of the discovery phase of new paths to follow further. With optional scope to iterate further into concept development and customer discovery, and accelerated implementation.
  • Business & Service Design – of what it would take to start, a blueprint of the least you need to get going to with customer building. Utilizing business model generation and lean start-up tools and methodologies.
  • Workshops – introductions to Business Model Generation, creating a common language for your team to develop your Value Proposition and Business Model. Hands-on training and kick-start activities that need to be done move forward faster.

Why should you do this?

Are you experiencing that your business development not to say your innovation is too slow or does not get through in your organisation? Do you perceive that you are constantly in a catch-up mode? Do you perceive that ideas are realized too slowly or are irrelevant or do not meet the expectations when delivered? If you answer yes to any of these questions, you might consider working in a different way.

Doing something that you have not done before is all about exploration, discovery, and validation. Before you make big plans, you need to know more. An idea unproven is no more than a hypothesis. This can be applied to everything you have never done before. Just because someone else has done it before does not mean that you can do it as well. The likelihood that your context is different is obvious, as you probably will say your organisation is special.

Are you serious about innovation, speed of need-finding, and customer development, you should consider talking to Ambient Society.

Below you find an inspirational video on a proven way of working differently and finding new paths.

Jake Knapp, author of Sprint – Solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days, at Lean Startup Summit 2016.